Aahat (English: An Approaching Sound) is an Indian thriller/horror television anthology series created by B. P. Singh for Sony Entertainment Television India and Sony Entertainment Television Asia. The location of the series is set in Mumbai, India. The series which premiered on 12 October 1995, is the longest running horror television series in India, completing five seasons. The episodes of first, second and fifth seasons were half–hourly, while episodes of third and fourth seasons were one–hourly. Many leading actors and actresses of the Indian film industry have acted in the series namely Om Puri, Mandira Bedi, Tom Alter, Ashutosh Rana, Shivaji Satham, Virendra Saxena and many more. Canadian actor, Remi Kaler, also worked in this series in 1999 and 2000. The sixth season premiered on Wednesday, 18 February 2015, starring Shakti Anand. The first episode of the sixth installation of the series premiered on 18 February 2015. The season previously aired two days a week, on every Wednesday and Thursday at 11 PM IST. Now the series airs four days a week on every Monday–Thursday from 23 March 2015, due to the good response of the season.